Friday, July 28, 2006

Uh Oh Floyd!

Not looking good for Floyd. Despite the fact that there does appear to be a good bit of information out there that lots of factors other than exogenous testosterone use can screw up your testosterone/epitestosterone ratio, L'equipe is apparently reporting that a more sophisticated type of carbon isotope testing was used. This testing allows for detection of exogenous testosterone to account for the elevated T/E ratio. Guess what it showed for Floyd?
Probably won't be seeing Floyd on the podium again any time soon, which is a shame. I dug those retro shades. And let's face it, doped or not, stage 17 was pure panache.

Not looking good for us either. The body shop pulled the CRV apart and the damage is worse than they thought at first. The rails are bent (whatever that means). Insurance adjuster has to go look over it again and will probably declare it totaled.


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