Ball is starting to Roll
I know who just moved to the top of Armstrong's long and formidable shit list today. Apparently the news is breaking in Europe today about Frankie's (and his wife's) testimony in the court case regarding Armstrong doping and the insurance company not wanting to pay up. This is a TdF payoff, not the triple crown payoff like I thought. Probably hit stateside later today or this weekend.
The World Cup gets down to business this weekend after the shadow boxing of the group qualifying concludes today. USA won't be there. They just lacked the scoring talent to make it out of their group. You know what? I'm not the least bit disappointed. Soccer is a red headed stepchild to the sports the majority of Americans care about. In the rest of the world soccer achieves the status of religion in many countries. There is a passion in the stands that you just don't see in American sports, or in any other sport for that matter. Now that it's lose and go home, the emotions of the fans and players will be riding sky high.
Along with the soccer matches, F1 returns this weekend with the Montreal GP. Alonso is turning this season into a snoozefest. Unless Renault's performance or reliability suddenly take a down turn Schumacher isn't going to get close enough to even make it interesting. Bernie Ecclestone is posturing ahead of negociating an extension of the USGP at Indianapolis. Their contract is up this year. He says F1 doesn't need the US market. We're small potatoes, only about 10 million viewers out of a worldwide audience of 300 to 400 million! You think Nascar is big? More people watch F1 in Italy alone than watch a Nascar race in the US. One thing I've got to do before I die is go see an F1 race. I'm of the mind that Montreal would be a better place to go than Indianapolis, so do your worse Bernie, you mop headed freak.

In case you don't follow F1, that is Flavio Briatore on the right, Italian boss of Renault. Other than such small accomplishments like building Benetton into the clothing giant it is today before turning his attention to F1 and running the team that dethroned Schumacher and Ferrari, what makes Flavio is his women. He's dated Naomi Campbell, he's got a kid with Heidi Klum. This is his current main
squeeze. Not bad for an old fat Italian guy.
The World Cup gets down to business this weekend after the shadow boxing of the group qualifying concludes today. USA won't be there. They just lacked the scoring talent to make it out of their group. You know what? I'm not the least bit disappointed. Soccer is a red headed stepchild to the sports the majority of Americans care about. In the rest of the world soccer achieves the status of religion in many countries. There is a passion in the stands that you just don't see in American sports, or in any other sport for that matter. Now that it's lose and go home, the emotions of the fans and players will be riding sky high.
Along with the soccer matches, F1 returns this weekend with the Montreal GP. Alonso is turning this season into a snoozefest. Unless Renault's performance or reliability suddenly take a down turn Schumacher isn't going to get close enough to even make it interesting. Bernie Ecclestone is posturing ahead of negociating an extension of the USGP at Indianapolis. Their contract is up this year. He says F1 doesn't need the US market. We're small potatoes, only about 10 million viewers out of a worldwide audience of 300 to 400 million! You think Nascar is big? More people watch F1 in Italy alone than watch a Nascar race in the US. One thing I've got to do before I die is go see an F1 race. I'm of the mind that Montreal would be a better place to go than Indianapolis, so do your worse Bernie, you mop headed freak.

In case you don't follow F1, that is Flavio Briatore on the right, Italian boss of Renault. Other than such small accomplishments like building Benetton into the clothing giant it is today before turning his attention to F1 and running the team that dethroned Schumacher and Ferrari, what makes Flavio is his women. He's dated Naomi Campbell, he's got a kid with Heidi Klum. This is his current main

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